L’EUR LUMOMAT lance sa première SUMMER SCHOOL « Sustainable strategies for Organic Electronics” qui aura lieu à Angers du 26 au 30 juin 2023.
« The field of organic electronics continues to advance at a rapid pace towards the next generation of electronics. This development requires new organic materials to act as semiconductors, in particular for the fabrication of organic field effect transistors (OFETs), organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) thermoelectric devices (TE) and organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs). Alongside the increase in performance, the area of sustainability is becoming crucial due to increasingly stringent health and safety regulatory measures. Efforts to integrate sustainable practices into organic electronics research and technology have started to become evident. For example, the efficient synthesis of materials that meet the criteria of green chemistry for clean and low-carbon synthesis should play a key role in this development. In addition, efforts must be made to incorporate materials from renewable resources into devices for a sustainable approach in terms of energy consumption and waste disposal, compared to conventional methods. The aim of this Summer School is therefore to stimulate discussion on the subject of sustainable organic electronics by bringing together internationally recognised experts in their field of expertise. »
Les inscriptions se font directement ici: https://summerschools.univ-angers.fr/en/summer-schools/sustainable-strategies-in-organic-electronics.html
Les doctorants dépendant d’un des 4 laboratoires du réseau LUMOMAT (MOLTECH Anjou, IMN, CEISAM et ISCR) doivent se rapprocher de l’organisateur sur place avant de s’inscrire: Olivier Galangau pour l’ISCR, Piétrick Hudhomme pour MOLTECH Anjou, Stéphane Diring pour l’IMN et le CEISAM.
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu’au 10 avril 2023. Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez contacter Noémie Barbot.