Financial support

On this page you can find out more about the financing arrangements offered by LUMOMAT.

Master's students

The excellence grant includes two payments of €3,000 paid in two instalments: 

  • 1500€ during the Master's degree 1st year
  • 1500€ during the Master's degree 2nd year

Terms and conditions :

  • Academic results
  • Résumé
  • Cover letter

Application file : Download

File to be sent to Noémie BARBOT :

Mobility grant of a maximum amount of €2,000 for an internship abroad. Only one grant will be allocated per student.

Terms and conditions :

  • Mobility for an internship abroad
  • Writing the request in English

Application file : Download

File to be sent to Noémie BARBOT :

PhD students

This label allows doctoral students to benefit from the financial supports offer by LUMOMAT.

Terms and conditions :

  • The thesis must fall into one of the 3 major LUMOMAT themes: Energy, Environmental health or Data storage and transport
  • The thesis director must present a part of his referenced activity as belonging to the LUMOMAT project

Commitments to respect:

  • Use of the LUMOMAT and ANR logos in all communications to the general public
  • Use of the following sentence in scientific publications: “This work received financial support from the State through the EUR LUMOMAT project and the Investissements d’Avenir program ANR-18-EURE-0012”
Application file : Download
File to be sent to Noémie BARBOT :

The excellence grant includes two cumulative grants of €2,500 each: 

  • Grant allocated at the start of the thesis
  • Grant allocated after the second year of the thesis

Terms and conditions :

  • Very good academic results (grades M1 and M2)
  • Scientific dossier (only for doctoral students who have completed the second year of their thesis): the scientific dossier includes the thesis project, publications, oral communications, participation in conferences, initial scientific results, involvement in popularising science, etc.
  • Résumé
  • Cover letter
  • Certified LUMOMAT label
Application file : Download
File to be sent to Noémie BARBOT :

Un doctorant labellisé LUMOMAT peut effectuer plusieurs demandes de financement de bourse à la mobilité. L’enveloppe maximale validée par le Comité de Direction s’élève à 4k€ pour l’ensemble des mobilités attribuées à un seul doctorant : au moins une mobilité doit s’effectuer hors France et le montant par mobilité ne peut excéder 2,5 k€.

Terms and conditions :

  • PhD student certifed LUMOMAT label.
  • Mobility project as part of a scientific dynamic in connection with LUMOMAT
  • Mobility project that can be financed by another funder but on different expenditure items: Sworn statement available for download here.

Expenses covered by this financial support:

  • Accommodation, travel, catering, other (congress registrations, etc.).
Application file : Download
File to be sent to Noémie BARBOT :

Financial support for theses under joint supervision up to a maximum of €2,500.

Terms and conditions :

  • PhD student certifed LUMOMAT label.

Expenses covered by this financial support:

  • Accommodation, travel and catering.
Application file : Download
File to be sent to Noémie BARBOT :


Financial support for congresses:

  • Congress organised in the Pays de la Loire or Bretagne regions: maximum €1,000: €500 grant + €500 for prize-giving (e.g. chemistry books) or any invoice relating to communication (e.g. printing of flyers or purchase of goodies).
  • Congress organised outside the Pays de la Loire and Bretagne regions: a maximum of €500 for prize-giving (e.g. chemistry books) or any other communication-related invoice (e.g. printing of flyers or purchase of goodies).

Terms and conditions :

  • Congress on LUMOMAT themes.
  • Congress organized by LUMOMAT actors.

Commitments to respect:

  • Use of the LUMOMAT and ANR logos as congress sponsors on all communication media.
  • Use of the EUR LUMOMAT project presentation summary: The LUMOMAT project, accredited as a Graduated School since 2020, is led by the University of Angers and includes the University of Rennes, Nantes University, the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. In addition to financial support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, local authorities (the Pays de la Loire and Bretagne Regional Councils, Angers Loire Métropole and Rennes Métropole) are key financial partners. EUR LUMOMAT involves researchers from 4 CNRS-accredited laboratories in western France: MOLTECH-Anjou (Angers), CEISAM (Nantes), IMN (Nantes) and ISCR (Rennes). In total, more than 280 researchers are involved in the Grand Ouest region. Three major areas of application for organic materials are the focus of this large-scale project, which also offers training via a CMI and a master's degree in chemistry: - Energy, including organic and hybrid (perovskite) solar cells, artificial photosynthesis and light-emitting diodes; - Health and the environment, with specific sensors and molecular probes; - Information storage, nanostructured systems and imaging.
  • The support of EUR LUMOMAT and ANR must be mentioned during the award ceremony.
Application file : Download
File to be sent to Noémie BARBOT : noemie.barbot@univ-angers.f

See our LUMOMAT academic brochure
