
Journée d’insertion professionnelle

L’EUR LUMOMAT organise le 19 septembre prochain une journée d’insertion professionnelle à la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Angers (Amphi L002 – Bâtiment L). Destinée aux étudiants de L3 Chimie, aux étudiants du CMI et Master de chimie LUMOMAT et aux doctorants, cette journée regroupera des intervenants du monde industriel et académique autour de conférences, présentations et table ronde.

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Première journée internationale de l’IRL 2BFUEL

Dr. Clément Cabanétos et Dr. Lionel Sanguinet organisent le 13 juillet prochain au laboratoire Moltech-Anjou la première journée internationale de l’IRL 2BFUEL .

Dans l’objectif de potentiellement créer et alimenter de nouvelles collaborations entre nos laboratoires et l’IRL 2B-Fuel de Séoul, cette journée souhaite rassembler les acteurs dans le domaine de l’électronique moléculaire de la  région ouest  autour de 8 communications orales. Ces présentations de 15 min seront complétées par 4 conférences plénières données  par des chercheurs issus des différentes universités Séoulites listées ci-dessous :

– Pr. Jung Hwa Seo : « Development of light emitting transistors via frozen p/n junction engineering »

– Pr. Bright Walker :  » Improved voltage and solubility in non-aqueous redox flow batteries using organic semiconducting moieties with stable radical ion states »

– Pr. Hyun Seo Ahn : “Towards artificial Photosynthesis”

– Pr. Dominik Lungerich: »Dynamics of mechanical transformations across all length scales « 

Si vous souhaitez contribuer à cette journée par une communication ou tout simplement participer à cet événement,  l’inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire  avant le 1er juillet via le formulaire en ligne situé à l’adresse suivante :

Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez contacter:

Cette journée est soutenue financièrement par l’EUR LUMOMAT.

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ERASMUS+ project

Since September 6, 2022, the ERASMUS + project led by Piétrick Hudhomme* and Zoia Voitenko*, involving the University of Angers and Taras Shevchenko National University of kyiv benefits from financing in the amount of €205,000.

 On the basis of a double degree within the framework of the Master 2 Chemistry LUMOMAT, initially set up in 2010 (23 Ukrainian students welcomed in total in M2 of Chemistry and four joint supervision theses), this project planned over 3 years (September 2022 – August 2025) will allow to:

  • Strengthen the existing partnerships between the two universities,
  • Expand the academic partnership by promoting the mobility of Ukrainian students and doctoral students and the mobility of Ukrainian and Angevin teacher-researchers (EC),
  • Plan cross-mobility of administrative staff for observation missions.
  • Develop common teaching projects and share teaching practices with the mobility of teacher-researchers from each country. For example, Ukrainian ECs will be able to follow a block of Master 2 courses and give courses and conferences in Angers and Angevin ECs could give courses and conferences in kyiv.

The reception of the first Ukrainian students (6 to 7 students) is planned for the start of the school year in September 2023 in Master 2 of Chemistry LUMOMAT. The files are being studied by the project leaders.

*Piétrick Hudhomme is PR at the MOLTECH Anjou laboratory and Director of EUR LUMOMAT

* Zoia Voitenko is PR at the Department of Organic Chemistry at theTaras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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Scientific coordinators of the LUMOMAT SUMMER SCHOOL

Piétrick Hudhomme (MOLTECH Anjou), Stéphane Diring (CEISAM) and Olivier Galangau (ISCR) are the three scientific organizers of the SUMMER SCHOOL EUR LUMOMAT.

Pietrick Hudhomme received his PhD from the University of Nantes in 1990 for research on multi-step asymmetric synthesis of cephalosporin antibiotics. After post-doctoral research on the synthesis of antithrombotic drugs at the University of Sussex, he became Associate Professor at the University of Nantes (1991). His research activities moved to the synthesis of organic materials and he was appointed Professor at the University of Angers (1998) in the laboratory MOLTECH-Anjou. His research interests encompass the organic synthesis of functional electroactive molecules for applications in molecular electronics, solar energy conversion and supramolecular chemistry.

Stephane Directing received his PhD degree in molecular chemistry from the University of Strasbourg in 2009. He then joined the group of Prof. Kitagawa in Kyoto as a postdoctoral fellow and was then appointed assistant professor in the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University. Since 2014 he is working as a CNRS researcher in Nantes University. His research interests include supramolecular chemistry, photo-redox active MOFs and artificial photosynthesis.

Olivier Galangau obtained his PhD in chemistry in 2011 from Ecole Normale Supérieur de Cachan, under the supervision of Prof. P.Audebert. Following his postdoctoral training with Prof. T. Kawai at NAIST (Japan), he moved to Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (France) working with Dr. F. Pointillart. Since October 2018, he joined the group of Prof. S. Rigaut as CNRS research fellow. He is interested in developing new type of smart molecular/supramolecular materials, combining light- and/or electro-switchability for applications in organic (organometallic) electronics.

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See our LUMOMAT academic brochure
