The 2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society

The symposium S of E-MRS 2023 fall meeting was organized with the support of EUR LUMOMAT, with Claudine KATAN (ISCR) as main organizer.
Metal halide perovskites form a class of soft solid-state semiconductors that have, due to their extraordinary optoelectronic properties, gained renewed interest over the past decade from an ever-increasing and diverse community, ranging from world-class renown academic institutions to industries. The symposium S aimed at providing a platform to share state-of-the-art knowledge in the interdisciplinary field of all-inorganic and hybrid perovskite bulk, thin film, colloidal and nanostructured emissive materials.
Symposium S featured 11 invited speakers, and 21 contributing talks, among which Mikael Kepenekian (ISCR), Marios Zacharias (INSA) and Jacky Even (INSA). Topics covered nanocrystal assemblies, 2D perovskite, halide perovskite for light emitting applications (e.g. LEDs, LASER and quantum light), perovskite-based exciton-polaritonics, just to mention few. The symposium was well attended with an average number of participants above 50, throughout all sessions of the symposium. Not only invited but also contributed talks were amazingly good and all this ensured vibrant discussions and fruitful exchange of ideas.

Symposium main organizers: Claudine KATAN – ISCR
Symposium main organizers: Barbara PIETKA, Gabriele RAINO, Thilo STÖFERLE
Symposium assistant: Alexander Szoła

Organizers received very positive feedback from the attendees, who found the topics presented timely and highly interesting, with emphasis on the quality of presentations. Symposium-S during this EMRS fall meeting 2023 was definitely a successful event.
Funds received from LUMOMAT were used as an award for our student helper who not only contributed to the success of the event for his technical support but also with his performance during the poster session while being the only master student among PHD students and post-doctoral fellows. He will join EMLEM 2023, a conference on Emerging Light Emitting Materials this fall.

See our LUMOMAT academic brochure
